DSL Context


DslContext DslCtx passed through all of Chassis DSL parsing

DslContext holds all ADslClass‘es (and more)

Beside taking care of the parsing PASS‘es, the most central part is the inline function to create and manage all(!) ADslImpl classes via introspection:

    context(DslCtxWrapper) // for calling constructor of ADslClass 1st parameter
    inline fun <reified T : ADslClass> ctxObjOrCreate(dslRef: IDslRef): T {
    inline fun <reified T : ADslClass> ctxObjCreate(dslRef: IDslRef): T {
    inline fun <reified T : ADslClass> ctxObj(key: IDslRef): T {
    inline fun <reified T : ADslClass> addToCtx(aDslClass: T): T {
    inline fun <reified T : ADslClass> ctxObjCreateNonDelegate(aDslClassCreateBlock: () -> T): T {

Using inline reified functions ensures that we can get a typesafe actual ADslClass class instance by its IDslRef from the DslCtx and not just a generic ADslClass

    // getting a specific `DslImplModel` and not just a base `ADslClass`
    val dslModel: DslImplModel = dslCtx.ctxObj(parentDslRef)

link to DSL docs