GenModel, ModelClassDataFromDsl,
ModelClassName and

basic things to work with for code generation

bite-sized immutable Chassis DSL parsing result

Any “thing” you might want to generate code for eventual has a gazillion of variants, characteristics and subfeatures.

This usually leads to having a gazillion of when, if, then decisions in code generation code.

The following “two” things are, how Chassis tries to tackle this challenge.

sealed class GenModel

sealed class GenModel is the (immutable!) bite-sized gathered and populated information about a Chassis DSL model { ... }

The “challenge” here is, that models can be all so different (Typ, model, class, poetType, collection, mutable, nullable, interface, …)

For each model subelement (DTO, DCO, TABLE, …) there is a sealed implementation of GenModel.

sealed class GenModel extends ModelClassDataFromDsl. Chassis tries to achieve a “uniform” programming experience this way.

As you can see you’ll almost never will work with the GenModel itself, but just “passing it around” as GenModel … but 99,9% of the time just using its ModelClassDataFromDsl

You can consider ModelClassDataFromDsl as being the always alike “flesh” of any GenModel.

Any naming, path package (that is nameAndWhereto { ... } related information + naming Strategies stuff)
is delegated to a GenModel’s ModelClassName

sealed class GenModel(modelSubElRef: DslRef.IModelSubelement, modelClassName: ModelClassName)
    : ModelClassDataFromDsl(modelSubElRef, modelClassName) {
    class DtoModelFromDsl(dtoRef: DslRef.dto, modelClassName: ModelClassName) : GenModel(dtoRef, modelClassName) { init { modelClassName.modelClassDataFromDsl = this } }
    class TableModelFromDsl(tableRef: DslRef.table, modelClassName: ModelClassName) : GenModel(tableRef, modelClassName) { init { modelClassName.modelClassDataFromDsl = this } }
    class DcoModelFromDsl(dcoRef: DslRef.dco, modelClassName: ModelClassName) : GenModel(dcoRef, modelClassName) { init { modelClassName.modelClassDataFromDsl = this } }

/** all props and sub-props are set on chassis DSL PASS_FINISH */
abstract class ModelClassDataFromDsl(
    var modelSubElRef: DslRef.IModelSubelement,
    val modelClassName: ModelClassName
) : Comparable<ModelClassDataFromDsl>,
    IModelClassName by modelClassName

sealed class EitherTypOrModelOrPoetType

sealed class EitherTypOrModelOrPoetType represents the possible Data Type of a model’s class or property.

Again the “challenge” here is, that a type can be many many things in any programming language.

Chassis tries to tackle this with uniform sealed classes also:

(note, that all these type representations also contain
a “shortcut” to its lateinit var modelClassName: ModelClassName for convenience)

Both of Chassis’ DSL variants of properties KClass<*> ClassName (KotlinPoet) are represented by class EitherPoetType

sealed class EitherTypOrModelOrPoetType(override val initializer: Initializer) {
    lateinit var modelClassName: ModelClassName
    class EitherTyp(val typ: TYP, initializer: Initializer) : EitherTypOrModelOrPoetType(initializer)
    class EitherModel(val modelSubElementRefOriginal: DslRef.IModelOrModelSubelement, initializer: Initializer) : EitherTypOrModelOrPoetType(initializer)
    class EitherPoetType(val poetType: ClassName, override var isInterface: Boolean, initializer: Initializer) : EitherTypOrModelOrPoetType(initializer)
    class NOTHING : EitherTypOrModelOrPoetType(Initializer.EMPTY)