Dsl Referencing with DslRef and IDslRef
The ability to reference any DSL node from any other DSL node is one of the key features of Chassis DSL.
To achieve it any DslImpl
(no matter if a Delegate or a plain DslImpl) has to have a simpleName: String
and a selfDslRef: IDslRef
At its core a DslRef is a class in sealed class DslRef(...) : ADslRef(...) {
abstract class ADslRef(
override val simpleName: String,
override val parentDslRef: IDslRef,
override val refList: MutableList<DslRef.DslRefAtom> = mutableListOf()
) : IDslRef {
data class DslRefAtom(val dslRefName: String, val simpleName: String = C.DEFAULT)
As a DslRef ist a listOf DslRefAtom’s you easily see that the list represents uniquely the complete hierarchy in the Chassis Dsl.
The toString()
representation of a DslRef
clarifies the undlerlying principle (‘|’ separates DslRefAtom’s and ‘:’ separates the nodeName
and its simpleName
(you can ignore the leading DslDiscriminator … the use of that one has been refactored out somewhere in the past)
Level | DslRefAtom nodeName | DslRefAtom simpleName |
- | DslDiscriminator | commonBasePersistentDisc |
1 | modelgroup | Persistengroup |
2 | model | entity |
3 | dto | default |
4 | showcase | default |
to be a bit shorter, if the DslRefAtom simplename is default
then the :simpleName
parts of each is ommited and shortens to:
As any DslImpl has to have as first two constructor Arguments simpleName: String, parentDslRef: IDslRef
(as these have to be passed to abstract super class ADslClass
any class DslImpl
can have a property val selfDslRef
class DslImplXxx(...) : ADslClass(simpleName: String, parentDslRef: IDslRef) {
override val selfDslRef = DslRef.nodeName(simpleName, parentDslRef)
the companion object { ... }
of class DslRef
also has some handy and neede convenience functions to extract lower level DslRefs from deeper nested DslRefs.
object DslRefString {
(defined in the same file as DslRef
) gives you some neat functions to convert the DslRef.toString()
representation into an actual
of the right sealed DslRef class with the correct List<DslRef.DslRefAtom>