Chassis codegen

Generating Code

using DSL outcome to generate Code

A GenRun operates on the GenCtx, which was populated inside a DslRun’s DslCtx

    val examplesCodegenRun = GenRun(examplesDslRun.dslCtx.genCtx, examplesRunName)

    examplesCodegenRun.start {
        KotlinCodeGen(examplesCodegenRun).codeGen(MODELREFENUM.MODEL) // MODEL = ALL gen Subelements (DTO, DCO, TABLEFOR)

The GenCtx contains the immutable result of a DslRun in a “bite-sized” representation most suitable for code-generation.

Whilst performing code-generation a GenRun reads information from the GenCtx and might store/add information in its KotlinGenCtx

class GenCtxWrapper wraps both to be neatly available to context(GenCtxWrapper) classes and methods:

class GenCtxWrapper(val genCtx: GenCtx) {
    val kotlinGenCtx = KotlinGenCtx._create()

implemented code generators

  • abstract class KotlinGenClassNonPersristent
    • base class for e.g. DTO and DCO, unrelated to persistent or other stuff (kind of pojo’s)
  • abstract class KotlinGenExposedTable
    • persistent table mapping generation (for Jetbrains Exposed db-framework)
  • abstract class AKotlinFiller
    • base class for fillers (AND for persistent CRUD operations of KotlinCrudExposed)
      • KotlinFillerDto (nonPersistent stuff)
      • KotlinFillerTable (persistent stuff) (for Jetbrains Exposed db-framework)
  • class KotlinCrudExposed
    • CRUD (insert/select/update/delete) via Jetbrains Exposed db-framework

TODO codegen docs

maybe also some refactorings necessary…

how to get names from the strategies

sealed classes of codegen

etc. etc…

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